Tag: ebusus

Torre de Sa Sal Rossa o des Carregador

Hola a todos amantes de Ibiza!!

Hoy os quiero contar de un sitio que todavía no conocía y que se encuentra muy cerca de las famosas playa d’en Bossa y Es Cavallet.

Es una zona conocida por los ibizencos como la Xanga, una zona con varaderos de pescadores, unas calitas de piedras y sobre todo la Torre de defensa que, aunque los siglos hayan pasado, sigue allí, protegiendo la isla.

La torre de Sa Sal Rossa o des Carregadores es una de las torres de defensa que se encuentran en Ibiza y fue construida en el siglo XVI en la zona entre la que son ahora Playa d’en Bossa y Es Cavallet, llamada también la “Xanga”.  Se puede disfrutar de una maravillosa vista de la ciudad de Eivissa, de las salinas, de playa d’en Bossa y Formentera. La Torre se utilizaba como refugio colectivo para los pobladores de los alrededores y sobretodo para los trabajadores de la Salinas cuando la isla era atacada por los piratas turcos y berberiscos, siendo la Sal la principal riqueza de la isla. La torre permitía acoger en el interior hasta 200 personas.

Tuvo diferentes nombre. La llamaban Torre Des Carregador porque estaba situada cerca de donde los barcos de sal cargaban la producción de la Salinera, ahora en Sa Canal de que os hablé en otro post. En el ano 2008 fue restaurada por el Consell Insular.

Es muy fácil llegar. Hay que ir en dirección Es Cavallet/ Salinas y después de San Francesc hay un cartel a la izquierda. Podéis llegar también andando desde playa d’ en Bossa. Yo disfrute mucho porque amo encontrar nuevos lugares, así en la naturaleza y con monumentos que nos recuerdan nuestros antepasados.

Pero este sitio es mucho mas antiguos porque a pocos metros de la torre se encuentra un yacimiento en “reposo” de los tiempos los fenicios y romanos donde se fabricaba la valiosa púrpura, el tinte rojo que se vendía a precio de oro. Ya os hablé de la Púrpura en mi post sobre Pou des Lleò. Os Acordáis?

La profesora Carmen Alfaro, fue la que trabajó en el año 2007 en estas excavaciones y ella fue mi profesora en la Universidad de Valencia de Historia Antigua. Asi que entre Ibiza, su historia y el rojo púrpura como color de alta moda en la antigüedades diría yo que al final todo tiene un sentido! Verdad???

Os deseo un feliz día y espero que os sigan gustando mis posts!!

Un abrazo, Natalia


Hi Ibiza Lovers,

Today I want to tell you about a site that I have just discovered and that is very near the famous Playa d’en Bossa and Es Cavallet.

It is an area known for the ibizencos as “Xanga”, an area with fishing docks, a stone beach and especially the defense tower called Sa Sal Rossa or des carregadores ( Salt carrier ).

It was built in the XVI century and it is located between Playa d’en Bossa and Es Cavallet. It was used as protection from the frequent attacks by turkish and berber pirates as the salt was the main source of wealth . The tower has a large internal capacity and it can accomodated until 200 people. During the years it gets a lot of names. One of them Des Carregadores because it was near where the workers collected the salt, now in Sa Canal. Do you rember my post?

In 2008 it was restored by Consell Insular of Ibiza and Formentera.

It is very easy to reach. You should go towards Es Cavallet / Salinas and after San Francesc there is a sign on the left. You can also reach it by  foot from Playa d’en Bossa. I enjoyed it a lot because I love finding new places as well in nature as monuments that remind us of our ancestors.

But this place is much older because a few meters from the tower there is an arquaeological site of the times of the Phoenicians and Romans where they manufactured the valuable purple, the red dye that was precious like gold. I already talked about the purple in the post about Pou des Lleó.

In 2007 Professor Carmen Alfaro, was the one who worked in this excavation and she was my teacher of Ancient History at the University of Valencia.  So: Ibiza, ancient History, and the production of the most beautiful color for fashion at those times, i can say that everything has a meaning! hasn’t it???

I wish you a beautiful day.

See you soon, with Love














Dress- Disegual

Boots- Hector Riccione


Bernard Domalain

Dreaming Tagomago island

As i promised few days ago, i would like to speak about one of my favourite “little sister” island in Ibiza Area: Tagomago!

Tagomago island, “la roca de Magò”, the rock of Magò, takes its name from the punic general Magon Barca,  brother of the famous Hannibal.

It’ s the second biggest island near Ibiza, the biggest one is Sa Conillera. It is located at 1 km from the coast and it’s a private island with an amazing luxury villa.

If you look at it, it seems a big crocodrile swimming in the sea, get far from its big sister. It’ s really impressive and its rocks are unique, mainly in the north side.

I know Tagomago very well because in the last years living in Ibiza i was diving with Punta Dive in Cala Martina beach and i had the possibility to discover and enjoy its underwater beauties.

It’ s one of my favourite diving spots. It’ s amazing with the morning light, the incredible visibility and all the life you can see.

There are a lot of little caves to explore, and it is for me so beautiful that even now when i am looking at it from the coast, i suddenly go with my immagination in its clear water.

Pou des Lleò is a perfect place to enjoy Tagomago view and if you are lucky to have a boat, at the sunrise time, you will love it.


Come promesso pochi giorni fa oggi voglio parlare di una delle isole che più mi affascina da quando sono arrivata ad Ibiza: Tagomago.

L’ isola di Tagomago, la “Roca de Magò” , la roccia di Magò, che prende il nome dal generale cartaginese Magon Barca, fratello del mitico Annibale è la seconda isola più grande vicino ad Ibiza dopo Sa Conillera. Si trova nella parte est a circa 1 km dalla costa ibizenca ed è un isola privata con una bellissima villa di lusso.

Guardandola dalla costa sembra un grande coccodrillo di pietra che nuota in mezzo al mare, staccatosi dalla sua sorella maggiore, impressionante nella sua conformazione rocciosa, soprattutto nel discendente  lato nord.

La conosco bene e la amo molto perchè grazie alle immersioni subacquee che per anni ho fatto insieme al centro Diving Punta Dive di Cala Martina, ho potuto scoprirne le sue  bellezze da vicino, soprattutto quelle sottomarine.

Rimarrà per sempre una delle mie immersioni preferite grazie a quella luce del sole del mattino, quella trasparenza dell’ acqua e l’ incredibile fauna che vi si può incontrare.

Le piccole grottine da esplorare e il fondale così unico, è rimasto impresso indelebilmente nella mia memoria tanto che anche guardandola da lontano mi immergo con la mia fantasia nelle sue acque.

Pou des Lleò è un punto perfetto per godere della sua vista e se avete anche la fortuna di avere una barca per esserne più vicini, al momento dell’ alba, sarà un’emozione ancora più forte.



Dreaming Tagomago


Tagomago view from Pou des Lleò


Sunset View from Tagomago North


Sunrise from Tagomago east



The rocks in the norther part of Tagomago


Rocks like a big wall in the east part of Tagomago